Sunday, 5 July 2015

Leaving University

Hello, this is the millionth blog I have created and something I have wanted to do for, honestly, such a long time. I am about to graduate from The University of Warwick with a BSc in Psychology and I'm scared. I have no idea what I am doing, if I'll ever find a job, let alone the one I want, and leaving university behind is, in some ways, a terrifying experience. This transition will be hard, there are just as many things that I won't miss compared to what I will miss. 

I'll miss my friends. The freedom of living in your own space, choosing when you want to be social, or when you want to be alone and binge-watch Parks and Rec. I'll definitely miss being able to shower at weird times of the day without anyone giving me shit for it, and being able to spend as long as I want in the shower without someone lecturing me about the price of water. I'll miss the academia, I can't recall a time when I didn't have to submit essays, or show up to classes, lectures, or seminars. I'll even, bizarrely enough, miss the pressure of revision time because it gives me a purpose. I'll miss buying a suitcase worth of junk food because I am ravenously hungry when I pass Tesco, and visiting all the cute places on campus. Most of all, I'll miss the student discount.

However, I won't miss the stress of deadlines and annoying nonsensical emails. The way the buses seem to be the bane of my existence as I can never be on time anywhere, I am either ridiculously early or ridiculously late. I won't miss the less than stellar condition of our living accommodation, or the general phobic reaction all students seem to have to cleaning. I won't miss the weird noises I always hear when I am in the house alone, or the fear that someone is constantly trying to break in. I won't miss my utter horror every time my laptop decides to do something spontaneous which never fails to give me a heart attack. The constant worry that I am not working hard enough or that I am not having enough fun. I definitely won't miss the crappy food or my newfound addiction to Domino's Pizza and Pringles. Bring on the fruit and veg. 

Overall, one could say it is pretty balanced. Lately, my mood has been fluctuating all over the place and it occurs to me that I am not alone. I am sure many of  you might be experiencing something similar and I just want to share my experience with you, as well as any tips I learn along the way. Above all, I want to be honest with you and be someone you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with, as I am always happy to lend an ear to whoever needs it. 

In addition, in spite of a five-year long relationship with Psychology that started in Year 12, I am reluctant to let go of it, and even more importantly I refuse to forget some of the fascinating things I have learnt over the years. Hence, this blog is all about Psychology and Mental Health. I hope you enjoy this journey with me, and it helps you in some small way. Please leave a comment with your thoughts and suggestions as I really want this blog to be helpful to people like yourself. Thank you very much for reading. Take care.

Best wishes,

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