Thursday, 16 July 2015


It is the summer, meaning the time for pool parties and suntan lotion but also it is the time where everyone finds out whether the blood, sweat and tears they shed in their past academic year obtained the desired results. This goes for university/college students as well as those still at school. There is so much anxiety and stress surrounding exams and results, it often feels like it is never going to end, and furthermore, when you get your results some of us are constantly berating ourselves for not doing better. Or even worse, comparing ourselves to those who did brilliantly which ultimately leads to staring in the mirror at 3am and asking yourself why you're so stupid? (Disclaimer: That is not healthy. Do not do that.)

Today, I got some valuable advice today. In a society obsessed with grades and academic achievement, it is hard to stay focused on your own personal goals. It is especially difficult to look past the roadblocks and disappointments and see the future you previously envisioned when you were fresh and shiny and new and not beaten down by the APA exam board. Well, let me tell you, regardless of what ever result you got that future is still very much there and it is definitely still a possibility. All this negativity, concern and comparison will not lead to anything good; give yourself a few days to mourn what could have been, have a few drinks and cry on your friend's shoulder then move on. Remind yourself why you want this. Why you wanted to be in this career in the first place. Why you would be better at your dream job than anybody else in the world. You have to believe in yourself if you want others to believe in you.

Which brings me to the actual advice I got:

It is not always the brightest people that succeed. It's the hungriest. So don't worry about your grades, worry about your drive.

That is not to say that you are not bright, people don't do as well as they would have thought for so many different reasons. Not everyone can get a first or a distinction or A*, and life is a lot more about what degree classification you got (saying that, I still wish I had got a first, god damn), it's about your experiences and making the most of the opportunities that come your way. The most important thing is: don't give up. It's still worth it, and these setbacks should just make you want it more. 

You are smart, you are beautiful and you are important.
- The Help

I hope this post helped you in some small way. Please leave your thoughts and experiences in a comment below, that would be wonderful. Have a lovely day and take care.

Best wishes,

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